Ecuador - Soledad Sydra Wave Natural


Cranberry + orange candy + sweet tarts + mint + crisp + clean **150 grams of coffee per bag for this selection Our second year working with Pepe + Co. and their astounding coffees from Finca Soledad in Imbabura, Ecuador. This is our second year in a row bringing in the Sydra Wave Natural from Soledad. This is one of the most crisp and bright naturally processed coffees we have ever tasted; at times I think it could convince an audience it was a washed coffee. Vivid citrus and red berries dominate, while the cup remains crystal clear all the way from hot to cold. A botanical minty finish rounds this coffee out. Many of you remarked about this coffee’s lovely profile last year, and we are thrilled to release it yet again this time from the summer 2024 harvest.