Ecuador - Finca Soledad Mejorado Nubula (Extra Light)


This is an extra light roast profile on Finca Soledad’s Mejorado Nubula. We recommend resting this coffee between 3 and 4 weeks before brewing.

Hibiscus + red floral + tart berries + lemonade + sugary sweet + caramel + dense, plush mouthfeel

150 grams per bag.

Our second year working with Pepe + Co. and their astounding coffees from Finca Soledad in Imbabura, Ecuador.

Summer 2024 harvest.

Pepe approached us with the opportunity (and honor) to work with this new, unreleased process on his Mejorado, which is named “Nebula washed.” This process is an intermediate between the Tyoxidator and JJ washed processing methods.

Perfectly ripe cherries are harvested and purposefully not washed clean with water at first, to preserve the microbes found on the farm. These microbes are the crucial component for the next stage; a 24 hour oxidized cherry fermentation. The cherries are then pulped and undergo another 48 hours of fermentation in mucilage. Mucilage is washed off, parchment is cleaned, and then enters a 30 day slow dry period to reach proper moisture content.