Ecuador - Chito Washed Field Blend
Citrus + Walnut + Cherry + Nougat
**250 grams (8.8oz) roasted coffee
Region: Chito, Zamora Chinchipe
Source: Cafexporto (Juan Pena)
Variety: Caturra, Castillo, SL28, Sarchimor, Catimor
Process: Washed
Harvest: Summer 2024
Altitude: 1,600 Meters
In our first season working with coffees from Cafexporto, the lots from Chito community were some of our most desired to begin working with. We consider this washed field blend to be a perfect "stepping stone" kind of coffee for the average coffee drinker to experience high quality Ecuadorian coffee.
A core of Thankfully's values in operating as a roastery is to bring more coffees to market that are maybe less sought after, or from producers who are just less known by specialty buyers. You can see this playing out in many of our purchasing choices from various origins. We were thrilled for the opportunity to buy this washed process field blend from the Chito community this season!
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